Look and feel younger!

Our all-inclusive testosterone replacement therapy is only $180 per month.
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Starting to Feel Great Is Easy

Make an appointment.


The first step is to contact our office to discuss your symptoms and the details of starting testosterone replacement therapy.

Get your blood screening.

Blood Work

Once you have decided to move forward with our program, you will need to get blood work needed for your medical profile.

Begin testosterone replacement therapy.


Once we have your lab results, our doctor will give you a full physical and create a customized Testosterone Treatment plan.

Ready for testosterone replacement therapy?

Our friendly staff will help you get ready to start your testosterone replacement therapy.

Testosterone Replacement | What Our Cients Are Saying

I feel energized and revived.

“I never even knew men experienced symptoms equivalent to women’s menopause. At the age of 54, I felt tired, overweight, stressed, with no energy to even go out with my wife. The program was recommended to me by a dear friend who said, “Try this and see how you feel,” and that’s exactly what I did. The cost was reasonable, I really had nothing to lose. Dr.Berman really took care of me; I’m currently 5 months in and feel energized and revived. I couldn’t of asked for more.”


Miami, FL

I can't imagine life without it.

“This program not only helped me begin to live my life again but it helped me out with almost everything I do. I used to wake up in the morning and not want to get out of bed; I used to go to work and have unproductive days due to feeling tired and not energized. I’ve been on this program since it began several months ago and I have to say this is a miracle. These syringes with testosterone saved my life. I feel energized, I’m able to work fully focused, and I don’t have problems with my wife — personally or sexually. I became a more active man and I think my wife really likes that now. I’m 64 years old and I plan on being on this program for the rest of my life.”

Jupiter, FL

My sex drive has returned.

“Several months ago I decided to look into testosterone therapy. I’m 58 years old and just didn’t feel like myself. I felt tired, lacked motivation, couldn’t concentrate, and lacked the sex drive I use to have. I thought it was just because I was getting older and that’s what happens, but then I noticed my friends didn’t seem to be having the same issues as me.

I went to my family physician but he only wanted to treat me with anti-depressant and Viagra. After doing some research on my own, I discovered Dr. Berman and the Testosterone 149 program and that’s when things started to change. I have been in the program for the last 5 months. My lean muscle mass has increased and my waist is down four inches from a 36 to a 32. Not only was there a wealth of information on the website, but this program was also the best value of all the clinics I contacted. Most importantly Dr. Berman and his staff track and monitor my progress. They are always there to answer questions and exercise the utmost professionalism and customer service. My energy levels are up and I am exceeding all my expectations. Also, my sex drive has returned full swing too! Thanks for a better quality of life.”

David – Fort Lauderdale, FL

This program follows you step by step to make sure you fully understand the process...

“I’ve been on other testosterone therapy programs before; I even tried the gel. What makes this program unique is that the LowTDoc staff really pay attention to you every step of the way. Everything is organized and monitored—they know exactly when I need to visit the doctor, when my labs need to be scheduled, not to mention the results which I’m very happy with. Before, my doctor just gave me vials of testosterone with no explanation of how to use it or of the process. This program follows you step by step to make sure you fully understand the process, and the results speak for themselves.”

Fort Lauderdale, FL

I feel stronger and look better than I have in 10 years.

“I’m 44 years old and was feeling overweight, tired, moody, out of shape and unmotivated to exercise. I had always been strong and active, but over the last few years, I noticed a steep decline in my muscle mass. Worst of all, it was getting harder to keep up with my teenagers. I had looked into testosterone in the past. Supplements, although I am sure help, seemed like “voodoo” science and a waste of money. Testosterone therapy was always expensive and I had heard of dermatologists prescribing it, so I never bothered. When I saw the ads for Testosterone 149, I had just seen some very unflattering pictures of myself, and thought, “I am 44. If I want to live long, healthy, and be there for my family, I better change something. What the hell have I got to lose at just $159?

I spoke with Nicole, and she assured me that testosterone therapy was very scientific and that this was Dr. Berman’s specialty. After running tests, Dr. Berman helped get my testosterone back up to normal levels. I’ve been on the program for 8 months now, my energy is up and my moods have leveled out. I needed some kind of exercise, so I took up paddle boarding and just tried to eat a little healthier. I went from 285lbs and a 42 waist to 255lbs and a 36 waist in the first 5 months! I feel stronger and look better than I have in 10 years.

My 14-year-old daughter and I were driving back from paddle boarding and about to head into a surf shop. As I went to put my shirt on, she said, “Dad, you don’t need a shirt. You’re just going into a surf shop; you look fine.” That was the best compliment I ever got—to not have my 14-year-old daughter embarrassed by her dad!

But the most important thing is that I put a little more time ahead of me to stay active with my kids. I just wanted to tell you: Thanks for the great program and staff!”

Johnny – Palm Beach, FL

Call us at : (561) 570-4321

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